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软件发布员 软件教程 2022-03-17 21:03:35 97 0



Workio提供专业的人力资源系统解决方案,系统内置法规政策和行业经验,通过引导式的上手操作,成为你身边的HR伙伴;依托 BIPO 的全球一站式服务资源,Workio 轻松整合线下服务,让你看到的不仅是功能,更是可以依赖的服务。


* 帮你落地企业合规机制。


* 带你轻松设定员工管理规则。


* 灵活授权,发挥团队力量。

作为企业员工的管理者,事务繁杂,Workio 支持分配相应事务权限给不同的管理者,来协助您分担压力。


* 一键邀请员工加入团队。


* 记录精准数据,管理报表一目了然。


* 智慧流程管理,及时的消息提醒。



v1.25.0#本次更新 所有用户可通过短信验证码登录系统及移动应用。 其中针对中国大陆用户,可以免验证码一键登录移动应用。

#Updates A fast and simple Password-free way for users to log into the application, and no SMS verification for those in China Mainland.v1.24.2#近期更新 排班制员工可以按班次申请外出 考勤及休假管理优化

#Updates Out of Office application by shift is supported now Time & Attedance management optimizationsv1.24.1#近期更新 排班制员工可以按班次申请外出 考勤及休假管理优化

#Updates Out of Office application by shift is supported now Time & Attedance management optimizationsv1.24.0#近期更新 添加假种开关; 休假可调整申请单位(天/小时); 排班制打卡优化: 日历展示优化;

#Updates Added the switch of each leave type The unit of leave can be adjusted (day/hour)  Optimized the feature of clocking  Optimized the feature of calendarv1.23.2#近期更新 新增不同班组之间的员工借调功能

#UpdatesNew feature to transfer the staff between teams temporarilyv1.23.0#近期更新 排班制支持员工一天内排多个班次; 优化排班制考勤打卡、加班、补卡等功能;

#Updates Multiple shifts can be scheduled in a day. The clocking, overtime and time change features are optimized.v1.22.1 修复查看报销附件时一直加载图片问题 Fixed loading issue when viewing invoice attachments.v1.22.0#近期更新时间管理的场景下,进一步优化了考勤排班的功能,具体如下: 考勤组列表支持搜索,提高操作效率; 班次支持配置多段休息; 新增考勤组组长角色,并可作为审批人角色在审批流中选择设置; 细化了考勤设置的功能权限,可以对班次、考勤、打卡、人员和扣款等多个业务进行独立的权限设置; 管理员可以设置考勤组的可见范围;

#UpdatesFor the Time & Attendance management, the shift scheduling feature and access control are optimized as below: New feature to search the attendance groups go alive to improve the operations efficiency. The shift can be configurated with multiple break times. A new role called attendance group leader is available now, which can be also selected in the approval flow. The access of the attendance functions, including shifts, attendence, clocking, employees and deductions, etc., can be set seperatedly now. The attendance group visibility scope can be configrated now.v1.21.1#近期更新 用户体验优化

#Updates User experience optimizationsv1.21.0#近期更新 用户体验优化

#Updates User experience optimizationsv1.20.1#近期更新 报税通:个税申报缴款成功后可导出申报明细和完税证明。 销售激励管理:员工可以在个人业绩中查看各周期业绩数据;可以根据企业需求设置个人业绩中是否显示佣金数据。

#Updates TaxConnected:Declaration Details and Tax Payment Certificates can be exported after successful tax declaration and payment. Sales Incentive Management:Employees can check the performance data of each cycle in ‘My Performance’. Visibility of commission data is configurable.v1.20.0#近期更新 排班制考勤:管理员可以在手机端进行排班制考勤设置,员工可以自行查看团队排班 智能报销:报销币种新增印度卢比,员工可以根据实际情况在一张发票里设置多笔交易次数

#Updates Shift Scheduling: The shift scheduling rules can be set and an employee can check the team schedule on the mobile. Quick Expense: Added Rupee as the new currency type. Multiple trasactions number can be set , for instance 3 hotel nights on one receipt.v1.19.1#近期更新 主数据管理:新增重要日期的提醒功能,可以灵活设置提醒人员和日期,如劳动合同到期日的提醒。 排班制考勤:员工可以在手机端自行查看排班表。

#Updates Personnel master data management: Some personnel date can be configurated on the PC Web version which can be triggered on time automatically to remind the HR, for example the employee’s Labor contract expiration reminder. Shift Scheduling: An employee can check the schedule on the mobile.v1.18.0#近期更新 排班制考勤:为零售、餐饮、安保、酒店等服务行业提供更灵活的排班制考勤。管理员通过创建排班制考勤组,再分配排班经理,就可以让他们在手机端自行灵活排班。 薪酬管理:新增薪酬报表功能,可以查看用工成本趋势图和用工成本占比图;以及工资单模板等细节体验的优化。 销售激励管理:新增佣金看板的报表功能,可以查看组织/员工佣金排行和年度汇总。 网页端选人组件支持搜索功能,提升用户体验。 网页端用户偏好语言的设置,可以与移动端互相保持自动同步。

#Updates Shift scheduling : Now you can use the Workio to enpower all teams to build the shift schedules, and track it, both on the phone, especially for the Retail, Restaurant & Bars, Cafes, Security and Resorts. Compensation Management: Compensation Report with the bar chart of employment cost trend and pie chart of employment cost;Payslip optimization. Sales Incentive Management:Commission Report with the bar chart of commission ranking and YTD trend. New keyword search feature to select an employee on the PC version. User prefered language settings can keep syncronized automatically on the Mobile and PC version.v1.17.7#Bug 修复 兼容Android10系统版本,解决报销打印单分享至微信出现“获取资源失败”的提示 解决首页提示“系统异常”提示

#Bug Fixed Compatible with Android10 system version, fixed the prompt of “Failure to obtain resources” when sharing expense print order to WeChat. System exception fixed on the homepage.v1.17.4#新增功能: 员工可以向HR或管理员上报每日健康情况#New features: The employees can report daily health condition to the HR/Admin.


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